G903 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


903Balaam {bal-ah-am'} 起源于希伯来字01109;TDNT-1:524,91;阳性专有名词 钦定本-Balaam 3;3 巴兰意思是"或许\"

1)一个本乡人住在比珥﹐一个美索不达米亚的城市,被耶和华赋予他 预言的能力.他被巴勒请去咒诅以色列民;也因为贪爱奖赏﹐他希望 使巴勒满意﹔但是他被耶和华的力量强迫去祝福他们。所以之后 犹太人将他看作是一个最无耻的欺骗者。

903Balaam {bal-ah-am'} of Hebrew origin 01109;TDNT-1:524,91;n pr m AV-Balaam 3;3 Balaam meaning "perhaps"

1)Anative of Pethor a city in Mesopotamia,endued by Jehovah with prophetic power.He was hired by Balak to curse the Israelites; and influenced by the love of reward,he wished to gratify Balak; but he was compelled by Jehovah's power to bless them.Hence later the Jews saw him as a most abandoned deceiver.